Okay, trinkets might not be the only reason we ride, but they’re up there.
As usual, more details may be found at RUSA.
Super Randonneur
Complete a set of ACP sanctioned brevets in a single season: 200k, 300k, 400k, 600k
Rouleur Award
Complete populaires of 100-124k, 125-149k, 150-199k, a Dart populaire, and a 200-220km brevet within a calendar year
P-12 Award
Complete a populaire (of < 200k) in each of 12 consecutive months
R-12 Award
Complete a ride of 200k or more in each of 12 consecutive months
Ride 10,000k in RUSA events and permanents, PBP, or RM-sanctioned 1200k+ events within a calendar year
Complete at least one of each type of RUSA event (Populaire, 200k, 300k, 400k, 600k, 1000k brevets, 1200k+ grand randonnee, RUSA team event), accumulating at least 5,000k over a two-year period
Randonneur 5000
Complete Paris-Brest-Paris, a Super Randonneur series (200k, 300k, 400k, 600k), a 1,000k brevet, and a Flèche team event + other ACP sanctioned rides to reach 5,000k within a 4-year period
Randonneur 10000
Complete Paris-Brest-Paris, another 1200k, two Super Randonneur series (200k, 300k, 400k, 600k), two 1,000k brevets, a Flèche team event, an 8k600 + other ACP sanctioned rides to reach 10,000k within a 6-year period
American Randonneur Challenge
Complete two or more 1200k+ events in a single season
Can-Am Challenge
Complete a Canadian and US 1200k or longer RM-sanctioned event during the same calendar year
Coast-to-Coast 1200km
Complete four different RUSA 1200km+ events over any number of years
American Explorer Award
Cover at least 10 different US states and territories on RUSA rides
Rando Scout Award
Ride at least 25 distinct event routes
Mondial Award
Ride 40,000k and multiples thereof in RUSA events
Galaxy Award
Ride 100,000k and multiples thereof in RUSA events